The path to great leadership begins with a deep understanding of one’s strengths and the strengths of your team or followers. This explains why there is no definitive list of characteristics that describes all leaders. Your leadership skills are more impactful through the application of these five strengths: Execution– Influence- Trust Building -Strategic thinking-Communication
The best leaders are fluid and flexible in their approach. They understand the power of, and necessity for contextual leadership
A strength based leader is not the leader who leads with and through his strong asset but rather who is focused on meeting the needs of others.
You will learn how to identify the 5 major needs of each team member and meet them in order to create a cohesive team environment and thrive.
Moreover, you will discover the questions to ask and probe your followers and uncover important insights.Successful leaders not only take action, they listen, gain insights, and then lead. Good listening involves finding meaning and understanding in what is being communicated and connecting the insights to your business or social environment. When you listen carefully, you increase your credibility, which helps you to influence others.
Listening to answers helps leaders learn. Good leaders ask questions to inspire others to dream more, think more, learn more, do more, and become more. To more effectively lead your team, ask the 5 probing questions and listening, understand from the other party’s perspective.
This presentation will help the leader thrive among any team. The answers to these 5 questions will help you to grow as a leader, check your motives, promote good teamwork, leverage your strengths, focus on today, and invest in the right people.
A strength-based leader masters these four skills:
A leader should provide his subordinate what they cannot provide for themselves.
- For an employee with Low Competence or High Commitment, the leader should provide direction and the subordinate provides his own eagerness and support.
- For an employee with Some Competence or Low Commitment, the leader should provide direction along with motivation and encouragement.
- For an employee with Moderate-High Competence or Variable Commitment, the leader should provide support and encouragement because that particular team member is self-directive, but his assurance is low on one aspect.
- For an employee with High Competence or High Commitment, the leader should delegate the responsibility for task achievement to the team member.